Yoga Flow: The Tower

Giving into his desires for a little too long, the Universe brings the Fool back on track with Card 16: The Tower.

Traditional Meanings + Symbolism

We have a super dark card here, a black, cloudy, thunderstorm is taking place. A bolt of lightning strikes the large tower knocking the golden crown off the top. This can be interpreted as taking your thoughts down a few notches. The protection of the head is gone, it is now vulnerable. Two figures have been expelled from the tower seemingly by force by the looks on their faces. The card itself means unexpected changes will present themselves. Arthur Edward Waite even uses the term “an unexpected catastrophe” in the original guidebook. It’s not the best card to pull and in my opinion, it is the “scariest” message the cards will provide. However, you’ll see in my interpretation how we can better navigate that.

My Interpretation

The Tower is a card that not many people want to see in a reading, thanks to its connotation with unexpected changes which people aren’t always prepared for. I personally think The Tower’s meaning depends on the reading itself. If you’re receiving it as a single card, yes, maybe watch out for the unexpected, otherwise some other cards can help give you insight as to where this will take place. I think it’s important to also view The Tower as a “return to basics.” The Tower is being reconstructed, but the foundation is still there. There is always an opportunity to rebuild.

Inspiration for the Flow

My inspiration for this flow consists of working towards Wild Thing, a super fun backbend that I often enjoy as an opportunity to fully open myself to the Universe. The rest of our poses are meant to be somewhat challenging and some of them are even ones meant for you to have difficulty staying in. If you fall like the figures on The Tower, it’s okay, get right back on up!

The Flow
  • Krishna’s Pose (Tadasana Variation)
  • Low Lunge / Anjaneyasana (back leg lifted in bind)
  • Lizard / Utthan Pristhasana
  • Bound Lizard / Baddha Utthan Pristhasana
  • Side Plank / Utthita Vasisthasana
  • Wild Thing / Camatkarasana
  • Downward-Facing Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Open the Book
  • Corpse / Savasana
The Asanas Broken Down

*always listen to your body and modify poses to suit it’s needs. You should never feel any sharp or immediate pains in any pose. If you do, softly back out of the pose and make any adjustments necessary!

Krishna’s Pose (Tadasana Variation)
I wanted to start this flow with a Krishna variation of Tadasana. Krishna is the Hindu god of compassion, protection and love, offering you some extra support from the Tower.

Begin in a traditional tadasana, take your right leg and lift it. Crossing your ankle over your shin and hooking your foot around your left leg. Pick up your imaginary flute and hold it out to the side. Welcome in the spirit of Krishna to look over your flow today.

Low Lunge / Anjaneyasana (back leg lifted in bind)
Inhale to unhook your leg, and step your right foot back. Lower your knee bring your hands to frame your left foot. Bend your right knee so your foot is pointing up towards the sky. Reach back with your right hand and grab your foot to bind it. If it’s accessible, reach your left hand back for a full bind and solely use your legs to support you.

Lizard / Utthan Pristhasana
Gently release the bind and bring your hands back to the mat. Heel-toe your left foot so that it is positioned outside the long edge of your mat. Untuck your back toes and lift your knee. Gently take some movements front and back and in small circles to stretch out your left hip and groin.

Bound Lizard / Baddha Utthan Pristhasana
A tricky pose, again if you fall, just adjust and try to get back into it. Reach your left arm under your thigh, and your right arm around your back. Aim to bring your hands together. This requires you to really engage your core and legs to keep yourself lifted. Hold for a few breaths.

Side Plank / Utthita Vasisthasana
Release the bind and step back to a full plank. Pivot your heels to the left side of your mat and press firmly into your left hand, lifting your right to the sky. Keep your core engaged to aim for a straight line from your heel to the crown of your head. If it’s accessible, bend your right knee and allow your right foot to rest on your left calf, almost like in tree.

Wild Thing / Camatkarasana
Continue that journey with your right foot bringing it fully behind you so that you flip your plank. Your left leg will be out long and your right leg slightly bent. Arch your back and shine your chest towards the sky. Bring your right hand gracefully behind you like a ballerina!

Downward-Facing Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana
Flip your wild thing back. Coming through side plank, then placing your right hand down before sending the hips high to the sky and back. Press into both hands evenly, which should give your left hand some needed rest. Pedal your legs out a couple of times.

From here, we’re going to step our right foot forward into our Low Lunge and repeat the flow on the right side!

Open the Book
From your Downward Facing Dog, lower your knees, and come all the way to lie on your belly. Extend your left arm out long, bend your right knee so your foot flexes towards the sky. Bring your foot around your left leg, rolling onto your left shoulder so that it comes to the floor, similarly to our wild thing. This will be a gorgeous shoulder stretch. Take a few breaths, then come back through centre and then switch sides.

Corpse / Savasana
Staying low to the ground, roll onto your back, extend your legs out long and allow your arms to rest at your sides, palms shining to the sky. Feel your body being supported by the Earth. Stay here as long as you’d like to allow your energy to settle.

As soon as I get around to filming these flows for ya’ll, I’ll come back and add the link to the video here!

How are you feeling about The Tower card? Have your feelings or at least outlook on it change at all? Did you enjoy this fun and challenging flow? Sound off in the comments below!


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